Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28.01.2010

Hmmmmm how shall I begin.

Ok here goes, for few days I had been receiving a mail on PR asking to meet a guy. One guy recommending for the other, and I don’t know both the guys. Though I was bit confused I did respond to it mail. But it was in a manner which has only a small window to continue the conversation.

Ok whatever be it, today I happened to get him online (freedom from offline messages). And I spoke to him, and came to understand that though they are different profiles, but the person who I was talking (is that the word, I don’t think so, still.....) to was the same guy. And it turns out that he stays next to my place, so we agreed to meet up.

But yes I have to say I had my doubts, and to hike it up, when I reached there I saw 2 guys. So I did not go directly to the meeting point but rather was taking a round. I was about to leave then I saw this guy coming, and that’s when I realised, I was looking at different guys. They happen to be there; of course it’s a public place.
Had a chat for some time, and concluded him to be “take away” (can be taken home). Though initially I had told him that I don’t have place today, but I had so I informed the same to him, and he agreed to come home. Yes, we came home had a chat and then ended difficult to pull from each other.

Let’s see if I get to meet him again, have kept fingers crossed...

So guys, that’s what has happened in my personnel life, now for professional life, its same old story ROUTINE. Really wish I could change that. Even today morning was not feeling like to go, even messaged my colleague saying ‘Wish it was holiday’, and interestingly she replied ‘ come to office and relax there’......I just felt like laughing, me to go to office and relax, gosh, I took my morning tea by 11:30, after starting by 08:00 hrs. But frankly speaking I think I do like to complete my work or be prepared rather than trying to make the ends meet at the last minute. And it’s also true that when i put my efforts I like to see results, or it being used for something better.

1 comment:

  1. "take away" is a new term i came across in this context.. So did you guys ended up making out :P Just curious..:)

    Professional sucks big time here at my side too..

    Cant help it anyways :)

