Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ga Ga

Lady GaGa. .... When all my friends in the Gay world were going, Lady Gay Gay over her, I was like Yuck when I saw her videos. Come-on you can’t blame me, she has got weird factor prominent in all her videos. But I have to say there is something in her music or videos that make me want to watch it again and again. May be it’s the cool music, or weirdness in the videos or the amazing choreography. Whoever her choreographer is, he is doing an amazing job. Next time you watch her video, just imagine her dancing in a sexy costume, without all those weird kinky costumes, and you will find that those are cool steps. And those background dancers are perfecto.

Now days we have gone so used to her weirdness that if she gives a performances, or brings out a video without it, then we might not recognise her. She made the weirdness look cool; she is a style icon, if I may say so.


  1. Lady gaga is WIERD! Her lyrics arent sumthin every1 can relate 2. I personally think she doesnt hav a gud director cz her videos r strange. But still i LUV d woman! I guess every1 does cz every1 of us has a freak inside n she is like our freak sister. GO GAGA!!!

  2. @ Ultimate
    Indeed she is a key to the portal of freakness

  3. There is a thing called Symbolism which she heavily leans gotta hand it to her...GaGa has entirely changed the current music scene and forced just about everyone to up their game!!! She is our generation's Madonna and Michael Jackson...taking inspiration of theater from the likes of Freddie Mercury and David Bowie, Lady GaGa has just about swept everyone off their feet!!!

    You won't believe it..but there are actually closeted GaGa fans!! Hahaha...yea, some ppl actually like her secretly but are against her in public...i don't see the sense of it but IS happening!! :p

  4. @ Phunk
    Closeted GaGa fans, wow that's new.
    Instead of Prof Langdon as Symbolist, we have now Lady GaGa, what ever be it, i just love her moves
