Saturday, October 30, 2010

Book of Secrets

Yesterday I was chatting with a friend, hmmm not chatting exactly we were flirting, at least I was. Actually it’s the first time I flirted via SMS; I have to say I did like it. Usually I do flirt (talking) of course based on the mood. But I have to say while flirting with him there was zero mischievous intentions, just was in a mood to flirt. Of course we did not start as flirting, we were just chatting, but if you are gay, then I am sure flirting is a part of chatting. But sometimes when I read his response, I felt like going and whacking and ask him if he doesn’t know to flirt, due to some earlier issues he was always having the doubt if I am flirting or getting serious. Anyways, later the evening I met him, and he turned out to be a cool hot guy, as depicted.
No no, this post is not about him. It’s about a contradiction that got triggered during the chats.  Let’s rewind (of course these won’t be exact words)
Me: There are only a few people that I will trust my life, my secrets with, and it’s not necessary that my boyfriend has to be in that list. 
Hot guy: Your boy friend need to know every apart of you there should not be any secrets between boyfriends.
Me: Of course he can know all part of me, Physically.
Hot Guy: There should never be secrets in between both of you (or something like that)
Me:  Just because he is my boyfriend doesn’t mean he gets free passage ticket to my secrets.  He may eventually turn out to be a part of my trust circle.
Ok most of you will agree with the Hot Guy, but do you think it’s that boyfriends need to be an open book. Ill recommend a clean slate.
Hey don’t think that this is not restricted only to gay relationships, I am talking of whatever relationship that comes to your mind. . According to me Trust is something that has to be earned; it’s never a free pass. As Beyonce says " Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if its broken", Lady Gaga " But you can still see the crack in M.....F reflection"---- Telephone  


  1. I will respond to this later once you have answered my this question; Don't u think once the person is totally trustworthy only then he is considered as a potential candidate for a boyfriend?

    Other readers are also welcome to answer to this if they feel like doing so!

  2. @ Derric. U dont just c a guy, go out wid him once n decide that he is gonna b ur bf. U consider after every meetup whether he is d one. U try 2 c a future wid him. A very huge part of dat is trust cz u r trusting him wid ur heart n luv. Your bf doesnt need 2 earn your trust.......he has already earned his position in ur life as ur bf. He has a right 2 know bout ur life.

  3. @ Phunk
    Yes I do love him, I do care for him trust him and all. But if someone asks me, does that mean i have to share the whole my history with him. No.

    @ Ultimate
    May be the meaning that i am trying to convey has gotten mixed up. Yes a trust builds up between boyfriends, what i am saying is that moment i give a tag to him as my BF, doses not mean he gets rights to look at my history.Ill be an open book as as our relationship progresses.

  4. I feel it's best that you tell him yourself anything that in your mind may put u in a bad light...however's follow that you should trust him and he respects them as ur secret...and if supposedly the future causes u two to split and take different both know that the secrets shared are meant to be kept as a secret!!!

    If he asks something in specific, then i think it's the right thing to do is to come out with all u got!!!

  5. @ Phunk
    I am not saying i wont, but in time.... before we marry... lol. Will that ever happen??
